Racquel Sweeney - over a year ago
Thank you ...x
K R - over a year ago
Wilton is international; go into wilton.com, on the left hand column click on classes then enter your zip code and it will tell you where your closest class is.
Racquel Sweeney - over a year ago
Thanks Kimberly, I doubt there one near me I'm in Ireland. Will check it out on line thanks again... :)
K R - over a year ago
I took the Wilton Method Course 1 in September and am taking Course 2 in November. I learned a lot and am really looking forward to the next class. If you go into Wilton's site you can find a class near you or take them right on line at Craftsy.com I prefer to take the live class though.
Racquel Sweeney - over a year ago
oh good your back, just wanted to ask you how do you make the flowers, I like making cakes but can't decorate them ..
K R - over a year ago
Oh I made sure I did, I worked too hard on it.
Racquel Sweeney - over a year ago
least you got a photo ... ;)
K R - over a year ago
Funny you should say that because I noticed that no one did...LOL! The half of the cake with the flowers is still left this morning.
Racquel Sweeney - over a year ago
Your cupcakes look delicious, and for your cake I wouldn't cut it to gorgeous looking Kimberly.... ;)
K R - over a year ago
I actually did a lime layer and grape layer poke cake, it got a lot of ooooo's when we cut it last night; looked really cool.
Sharon Colyer - over a year ago
Too pretty for Halloween...what flavor is the cake?