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White Sangria

White Sangria was pinched from <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

"As festive a drink as they come. You can use either red or white wine as the base for Sangria but to my taste, white Sangria is the way to go. It's smoother than the red kind and it looks more elegant. It goes easy but packs a real punch (no pun intended). You want your sangria to be well chilled when it's served but instead of diluting all the amazing flavors in the punch bowl with a bunch of melting ice, just put out a bucket of ice so people can fill their glasses with ice before serving themselves. You only need a small bottle of brandy, which should only cost you about seven bucks, but you can make this recipe without it...."

2 (750-ml) bottles white wine, chilled
1 cup brandy
2 navel oranges, sliced
1 lemon, sliced
1 lime, sliced
1/4 cup superfine sugar
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