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Prime Rib

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The following has been my method of cooking a Prime Rib for 20 years of more. It makes no difference if your oven is electric or gas, mine is gas now. Always the perfect Prime Rib and I’m not trying to figure out if its done or not. Follow the instruction
1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
2. Roast 1 hour (set the timer)
3. Turn off the oven and leave the roast
in the oven. This can be done early in the
4. About 1 hour and 10 minutes before serving
time turn the oven on to 375 degrees and
reheat for 30 – 40 minutes. Do not remove
the roast or open the oven door from the
time the roast is put in until final
5. Remove the roast from the oven and tent
(do not wrap) with foil. Allow to rest for
25-30 minutes before carving.
You will have plenty of time to bake your Yorkshire Pudding.
I promise you will have the perfect Prime Rib,
unless somesome wants it well done. If they do show them the microwave and don’t invite them back for dinner. I really have done this.
Prime Rib is too expensive to ruin by overcooking. Enjoy! How do you have left over Prime Rib?
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