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Pigs In Mud Cake - Mississippi Mud Pie with KitKats

Pigs In Mud Cake - Mississippi Mud Pie with KitKats was pinched from <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
You need:
For one cake: (I doubled this)
1.5 cups flour
0.75 cup cocoa powder
2 tbsp double cream
200g melted dark chocolate
250g butter, softened
225g caster sugar
2 eggs
For the buttercream:
About 100g softened butter or marg
enough icing sugar and cocoa powder to make a stiff chocolate buttercream
For the chocolate ganache:
250ml double cream
200g dark chocolate
To decorate:
About 20 kitkats (i.e. 40 fingers) depending on the size of your cake. I bought three big multipacks and had a few left over.
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