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Passionfruit Ice Cream Cake

Passionfruit Ice Cream Cake was pinched from <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a>

"Ever since my first pavlova, I’ve been utterly sold on the combination – smooth, chewy, sour-sweet and fragrant – of cream, meringue and passionfruit. And to turn these ingredients into a coolly elegant ice-cream cake, you need do nothing more than stir them all together and leave to set in the freezer overnight: a no- cook, no-churn, no-stress affair. ..."

1 1/3 cup double cream
4 passion fruit
4 teaspoons Grand Marnier
8 meringue nests
4TBS butter
4TB light brown sugar
4TBS caster sugar
3 TBS golden syrup
1 cup coconut cream
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