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Egg Salad: A Childhood Favorite

Egg Salad: A Childhood Favorite was pinched from <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

"Egg salad has long been one of my favorite sandwich fillings. In fact, as a kid I never like peanut butter and jelly, but loved egg salad. Every now and then I get a powerful yen for it again and will make up a batch then eat egg salad sandwiches for a week. Sometimes I add capers, chopped dill pickles, chopped celery or chopped green or red pepper to it. I like it on whole wheat, white bread and, my favorite, croissants. I'll make the sandwiches with or without tomatoes and lettuce depending on season and mood. Whatever you prefer, it's good stuff. (Larger image.) Makes 2 cups...."

6 lg. eggs
2 - 3 Tbsp. mayonnaise (depending on your preference)
1 Tbsp. brown mustard
1 Tbsp. finely chopped fresh dill (optional, but recommended)
1/2 sm. lemon; juiced (about 1 tsp.)
Pinch of cayenne pepper
Salt and white pepper to taste
2 tsp. capers (optional)*
2 tsp. chopped dill pickles (optional)*
2 tsp. chopped red or green bell pepper (optional)*
2 tsp. chopped celery (optional)*
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