Real Recipes From Real Home Cooks ®

gin and honey cocktail

Recipe by
Lori L (JostLori)
San Diego

Not as sweet as you'd think! This is deliciously refreshing! Make sure the honey is dissolved before adding ice - or the honey will just stick together in a glob.

yield 1 serving(s)
prep time 5 Min
method No-Cook or Other

Ingredients For gin and honey cocktail

  • 2 oz
    Bombay Sapphire gin
  • 1 oz
    lemon juice, freshly squeezed
  • 1 oz
  • 3 dash
    orange bitters
  • 10
    fresh mint leaves
  • mint sprig, for garnish

How To Make gin and honey cocktail

  • 1
    Add the gin, lemon juice, honey and bitters to a cocktail shaker. Shake or stir with a bar spoon until the honey is dissolved. Tear the mint leaves and add to the shaker. Add Ice.
  • 2
    Shake until frosty, about 20 seconds. Strain into a coupe or martini glass. Garnish with mint, or a dried blood orange slice.