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Chicken Liver Mousse

"The following mousse may be packed into a decorative jar and used as a spread for cocktail appetizers, or molded in aspic for an hors d’oeuvre. It is easy to make in an electric blender; if you do not have one, purée the liver in a meat grinder or food mill...."

1 lb or about 2 cups chicken livers
2 Tb minced shallots or green onions
2 Tb butter
1/3 cup Madeira or cognac
¼ cup whipping cream
½ tsp salt
1/8 tsp allspice
1/8 tsp pepper
Pinch of thyme
½ cup (4 ounces) melted butter
Salt and pepper
A skillet
An electric blender
A fairly fine-meshed sieve
A wooden spoon
A decorative bowl or jar
Waxed paper
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