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Baked Corned Beef Brisket

Baked Corned Beef Brisket was pinched from <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

"OMG, this rocked my world! Baking is the best way to retain all the flavors of a corned beef. I was raised on boiled corned beef. This by far blows that method "out of the water"! I don't think there is any turning back to the old way after this! This is a combination of recipes that I have previously posted. Corned beef needs to be baked long and at a low temperature in order to break down the connective tissue. *Please note: if your corned beef does not come with a flavor packet there are additional seasonings needed, as notes in step #2 below. I thank my good friend BBQGuru for his inspiration and making me see the light. Sorry I got lazy and had to improvise but it was damned good anyway ;^P. Colleen's Colcannon Potatoes and N .y. C. Irish Soda Bread..."

2 -4 lbs corned beef brisket, retaining the fat layer, do not trim away
1 spice flavor packet included with corned beef
1/2 tablespoon onion powder
1 teaspoon thyme leaves, dried
1 teaspoon paprika
1 teaspoon garlic powder
heavy aluminum foil
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