Celebrating Christmas Around the World

Want to learn about different cultures and how they celebrate Christmas? Maybe, try implementing some of these fun traditions from around the world!


Decorate your home with globos (floating lanterns) which fill the warm summer sky on Christmas Eve after midnight. 


Send Christmas greetings via the radio like the people that live in the outback! 


Top your Christmas tree with a star made from straw! 


Leave a sock near the window like the children of Brazil and maybe it will be exchanged for a present by Papi Noel (Good Old Man). 


Single? Hold a Taffy Pull in honor of Saint Catherine (patron saint of single women) and meet some eligible men!

Czech Republic

Another one for the singles out there!  Throw a shoe over your shoulder on Christmas day, the superstition is if the toe points toward you then you are next to get married!


Make sure you give back to mother nature and give the wild animals a treat on your Christmas Eve/day stroll!


Yule logs made out of cherrywood are sprinkled with red wine and burned in the fireplace to keep you warm as well as fill the air with a distinct Christmas smell.


Eat a piece of stollen which translates to a fruited yeast bread.


Display a giant three mast sailing boat decorated with Christmas lights as part of your decorations!


Have a piñata!  Usually a spherical center with seven spikes representing the seven deadly sins. 


Instead of placing presents under the tree this year, ring the bell, leave the presents and run away!


Don’t wait for spring cleaning, instead, deep clean your house in preparation for Christmas day! 

Puerto Rico

Add arroz con dulce to your Christmas dessert list! 


Include someone dressed up as a goat in your caroling party!  


Include sauerkraut as your main meal!


Don’t forget the fondue at your Christmas parties! 


Get out those unused fireworks and set them off! 
Some Christmas traditions such as nativity scenes, caroling, and Christmas trees seem to be almost universal. Although each country has their own spin, you’re likely to find the in almost any place Christmas is widely celebrated. In places such as India where there is a small percentage of people who celebrate the holiday, they decorate mango and banana trees! However you choose to celebrate, we wish you a Merry Christmas.