13 posted recipes have been Pinched 1,734 times!

Easy Beef Pot Pie

An easy pot pie to satisfy your beef tooth even on a weeknight! This recipe uses...

Kitchen Sink Puttanesca Pizza

This bright, spicy pizza is part careful forethought and part last minute availability, hence the "Kitchen...

Ratatouille Redo

I love a good vegetable casserole and ratatouille is one of those wonderful concoctions that gives...

The Best Slow Cooker Chili Stew

Nothing can be more satisfying than sitting down to a good bowl of chili stew on...

Insomniac Pasta With Chicken

This dinner cooks up quickly and is delicious and can make a great midnight snack when...

Garden Chicken Stir-Fry

I had some eggplant and zucchini fresh-picked from the garden and just had to cook it....
(5) 2 ratings

Cheater "Gringa" Chile Rancheros

This is a savory, mildly spicy meat recipe that's great as a stand alone entree served...

Baked Broccoli with Macaroni and Cheese

Basically, a revved up macaroni and cheese. This is a super easy, versatile meatless recipe that...
(5) 1 rating

Chile Rellenos Casserole

For those of us who love our chile rellenos, but cannot handle actually making them (gringos),...

Confetti Eggs

This is a versatile, great brunch/lunch or light supper that uses up the vegetables you have...