Clemen Cifuentes - over a year ago
It looks so so delicious. Cakes don't always have to look perfect on the outside. It's what's inside that counts and boy is the inside of this cake GOOOO OOOOD
Cynthia Rivers Martinez - over a year ago
Brenda, you are such a sweetie. It is such a good cake and I know the homemade cakes are so much better. We can make anything like they have in a bakery but better--they may not look as pretty but they are ours
Brenda Downey - over a year ago
Cynthia...personally, I really think your cake is very pretty..looks so old fashion, and thus, so very pretty...when I see a cake on a table in a home that has been made at home, I know that it is full of wholesome ingredients, unlike bakeries that have artificial preservatives, etc...so therefore it is delicious! I often wonder how many kids or families really do get to enjoy homemade cakes like this in today's modern world?...I bet they don't (they are either out of the box or bakery)!