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4th baby "wave" blanket

(1 rating)
Recipe by
Vanessa "Nikita" Milare
Hilo, HI

Am making 4 baby blankets for my two niece's who are haivng babies this coming May. This is the last 1 out of 4.

(1 rating)
yield 1 serving(s)
prep time 20 Min

Ingredients For 4th baby "wave" blanket

  • 1 1/2
    pale light blue baby yarn
  • 1
    pale light funny green baby yarn
  • 1
    white baby yarn

How To Make 4th baby "wave" blanket

  • 1
    Frist make a 40 inch chain. Then up chain 3 times. Then in make 5 double stitches. Then in the 6th loop double 3 times. That means I made 3 double stitiches in the same hole.
  • 2
    Next in each of the next 5 loops "holes" double stitch.
  • 3
    Then the hard part. grab a loop of yarn go into the next Hole grab a loop, pull thru grab loop go thru to hole, then grab a loop go thru the next hole grab a loop "you should have 4 loops on your hook" the grab a loop & go thri 2 loops, grab a loop then go into the 3rd hole "you should now have 5 loops on your hook" grab a loop go thru 2 loops & grab a loop & go thru the last 4 loops. You just made the "down stitch".
  • 4
    Repeat until you made it as long as you want the blanket. This one was 40 inches long & 40 inches wide. Then I used a double stitich along the borader to finish. Took me 2 weeks to from start to finish.